Monday, 22 November 2010

End of Module Self-Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have developed my skills using Illustrator greatly as i have never really used it before this year at all. i now feel i am comfortable using it and find it much better than Photoshop which is the program i used to use for everything. I now tend to use Illustrator as my main piece of software so have found the Illustrator brief very useful to get me using it properly. i have also developed my skills in evaluating work properly for doing the Crits, which i feel is a useful skill needed in graphic design.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
i have found i have been developing my ideas a lot better than i have previously in my foudation year and A-level where i pretty much just produced a final piece without development. i have used both sketchbooks for quick drawings and also design sheets where i jot down my way of thinking clearly. i am still not 100% used to working in this way but i am determined to get fluent at it by the end of the year.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I feel i come up with good ideas very easily which helps during the first stages of development instead doing loads n loads of development to get an idea i concentrate of making my idea better. i am also very confident on software so can produce very visually appealing designs.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
i am quite lazy i tend to leave things to the last minute and do the bare minimum of work but i feel i have addressed this and attempted to change. i'm not quite there yet and still feel there is a lot of room for improvement. i also have problems with attention span and get easily distracted but the main problem is probably time keeping and organisation skills although i am improving it still requires improvement.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. I won't leave my blogging to last i will try and blog as i do something new so it shows and accurate timeline of development.
2. I plan to time keep better so i distribute my work evenly instead of doing it all a few days before the deadline.
3. I wish to do more work at home as i tend to mainly do it at college only.
4. Develop my ideas better as i still tend to get one idea in my head and pursuit it.

Attendance 4/5
Punctuality 4
Motivation 3/4
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 3
Quality of work produced 3/4
Contribution to the group 3

Sunday, 21 November 2010

No News is Good News Mailshot

What is been communicated and how.
here i have communicated the serious problem of binge drinking using a mailshot which would be sent out to my mailing list i have produced with appropriate recipients. It compares teenage drinking to knife crime to show how serious of a problem drinking is.

How well does it answer the brief?
i feel it answers the brief very well. it was able to be posted and also arrived in a good condition. its the correct size. the one problem is i used a label for the address and a label to keep it together which means i used one more stock than i was meant to. on the other hand i did use the right amount of colours.

How well has the idea been visually explored
i did allot of trial and error with this piece so i feel i have done enough development to produce the best i could of in the appointed time.

What are the strenghts of the resolution?
The resolution is a very simple and effect way of sending a message and its something more than a flyer which you would just trough away its something you stand and is intended for one person to show allot of people. it is also very visually appealing and interesting to look at for the viewer.

How could it be improved?
I could improve it by printing double sided so the address doesn't need sticking on which would save time and it would look more profecional printed. Other than that i feel i have designed a very effective mailshot.

No News is Good News Poster Series

What is been communicated and how.
My poster are communicating the number of teenage deaths each year as a set of 3 posters. i chose the quote "1300 teenage deaths each year as a result of binge drinking" i feel this quote is good as its a shocking fact so would grab people attention.

How well does it answer the brief?
I feel it answers the brief very well. I used the right amount of colours which was 2 colours and a stock. all the posters are the correct size and they all work in a series. Also i have kept to the text, image and text and image poster.

How well has the idea been visually explored
i didn't develop it to much and i wish i did a little more because i feel i could have made it look better.

What are the strenghts of the resolution?
i feel it is very visually appealing to look at and i feel it sends the message and illustrates the quote very well.

How could it be improved?

i feel if i developed it more i could have a bit more of an innovative design and maybe have it looking a bit more professional.