Thursday, 26 May 2011

01. What skills have you developed though this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have developed my skills in InDesign as i have never used it before. i wouldn't say i am totally comfortable on it but i have got the basic down which is all i needed for the Brief.
Potentially i have improved more on my illustrator again.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process.
I still struggle with my research and tend to do the minimum. i need to do more so my products and designs can look to my full potential. i have also found out updating my design context is the most useful tool i can have developing my knowledge.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these.
I have noticed when i use photoshop these are the project which work out the best and produce the best outcomes. i feel this is because thats all i used to use before this year so my illustrator needs to catch up.
i have greatly improved on every aspect of my work since the start of the year.

4. what weaknesses can you identify with your work and how will you address this more fully?
My weakness is my research and development i just need to spend more time in these areas and i feel my grades would improve greatly.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Blog more of my research and drawing.
2. do more development on paper rather than on screen.
3. keep up my standard of design
4. organise my time better
5. buy a sketch book

How would you rate Yourself?
Attendance 5
Punctuality 5
Motivation 4
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 4
Contribution to the group 4

Speaking From Experience

What is been communicated and how.
I am communicating problems that us Graphic design students face when we start university and how to solve them in an interactive way.

How well does it answer the brief?
i feel i am answering the brief although my product could relate to all students and the information provided isn't specific to Graphics. i have tried to solve this by using graphic's term such as cmyk and had the logo abbreviated from Graphic Design.

How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different ways of making my information more interactive. i decided on making nets for the students to make which i feel has work out well and appealing to my target audience. i experimented different methods of putting the nets together and also with different stocks to see what works.

What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are my final outcome and how they have turned out. i stepped away from the conventional flyer or poster and made interactive objects. this was risky as if they were to complex they would be useless and couldn't be made by the user but if to simple it would be boring and a waste of time.

How could it be improved?
It could be improved by possibly creating a packaging for the set of flyers. I also feel i could of pushed the designs more but i kind of just hit a brick wall with that aspect.


What is been communicated and how.
Here i am communicating opposite personality traits in relationships and how it can still work. awww

How well does it answer the brief?
I feel i answered the brief spot on i used the words opposites and then took my own spin on it moving away from the obvious black and white kind of opposite.

How well has the idea been visually explored
I explored a tone of different varieties of the posters and its layouts. so i feel i have come up with the best ones which i am extremely happy with. i experimented with a lot of colour different colours also and text so i am pleased with what i have done.

What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strength are how visually attractive and different to conventional work it is. i have loads of positive feedback from both tutors and students. so i feel it is one of my strongest projects and showing off my strongest skill which is photoshop.

How could it be improved?
I don't think there is much room for improvement i am completely satisfied.