What is been communicated and how.
I am communicating problems that us Graphic design students face when we start university and how to solve them in an interactive way.
I am communicating problems that us Graphic design students face when we start university and how to solve them in an interactive way.
How well does it answer the brief?
How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different ways of making my information more interactive. i decided on making nets for the students to make which i feel has work out well and appealing to my target audience. i experimented different methods of putting the nets together and also with different stocks to see what works.
What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are my final outcome and how they have turned out. i stepped away from the conventional flyer or poster and made interactive objects. this was risky as if they were to complex they would be useless and couldn't be made by the user but if to simple it would be boring and a waste of time.
i feel i am answering the brief although my product could relate to all students and the information provided isn't specific to Graphics. i have tried to solve this by using graphic's term such as cmyk and had the logo abbreviated from Graphic Design.
How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different ways of making my information more interactive. i decided on making nets for the students to make which i feel has work out well and appealing to my target audience. i experimented different methods of putting the nets together and also with different stocks to see what works.
What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are my final outcome and how they have turned out. i stepped away from the conventional flyer or poster and made interactive objects. this was risky as if they were to complex they would be useless and couldn't be made by the user but if to simple it would be boring and a waste of time.
How could it be improved?
It could be improved by possibly creating a packaging for the set of flyers. I also feel i could of pushed the designs more but i kind of just hit a brick wall with that aspect.
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