Wednesday, 28 September 2011

PPD task 1

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course.

  • The opportunities within the industry are much more concrete and helpful compared to other courses i found. things such as regular visiting professionals, summer experience, relationships with printers and ex-students.
  • Unlike a university the student tutor time is much more personal compared to just been given a brief and do it there is the right amount of guidance to mature our skills without mothering to much like schools tend to do.
  • Simply the standard ok work i was shown was much higher on visits compared to anywhere else i saw. 
  • The reputation of the college was very high and was recommend to me by my old course tutor. 
  • Leeds was a city i really wanted to experience and had friends at other institues. 

Identify and explain 5 thing i want to learn during your time on this program

  • I more than anything want to be at a high and employable standard within graphic design. This is the profession i want to work in and if i ended up in a different line of work it's not only a waste of money and time but would crush everything i worked for. 
  • Be more mature and aware of the business side of the industry. i might be able to design but i don't want to be taken for a ride and used by companies taking advantage of my lack of business knowledge. 
  • Know and be able to request a huge amount of different printing methods and techniques. This will help me succeed as a designer and give me the knowledge i need to work for myself.
  • Be able to use a variety of media and technology. 
  • Understand the language of a client and working on briefs. Knowing what a client is looking for and how to present work to them in a way which they understand is a important skill.

Identify and Explain what you believe are your 5 strengths
  • One of my strengths is generating ideas and inventive ways of thinking. i feel i help a lot of course mates with directional influences and ideas which are taken forward. 
  • My general design skills are strong and have much more to show of my talent than i have in my first year. 
  • I have a huge amount of motivation when i am doing something i enjoy. i can become obsessed into finishing and perfecting what i have been set. 
  • I tend to look at everything with a design eye now and can judge and pick at things like logos and branding and come up with why they don't work what i would do to make it better etc.
  • good at working within a group or just by myself this is a very important skill which i feel is perfect for a graphic design job. you need to be able to have a input in a group and communicate ideas comfortably with people. Also been able to work efficiently by myself is good because i don't need help and have the confidence to produce good work myself. 
Identify and Explain 5 things you want to improve
  • I would like to improve my software skills more. i have learn't a lot in a year but i have much further to go to be at the standard i want to be at. 
  • Printing knowledge needs to improve i have a very minor understanding of this area of graphics and would like to broaden my skills. 
  • Would like a greater understanding of design methods. to reach a final product i don't feel i am at the point of doing it in the most efficient way. 
  • Better management of my time and efforts. I need to become more fluent in the way i work as i don't feel its as productive as i need to be. 
  • Become even more aware of the newest design out there. i have a select few blogs i check often but i feel i need to look through more books and hit design shows more.
Identify and Explain 5 ways that i will evaluate your work
  • Look at comments left on my blog by viewers to see how the public feel about my work.
  • Course mates are a big influence on work and its very helpful having people advise and help you through each process. 
  • Compare it to the current design out there and compare my standard to other professionals. 
  • Tutors advise is very valuable and always appreciate and take im what advise i have been given.  
  • Send my work to design studios to potentially get advice and an understanding of how the professionals work. 
Identify 5 questions you want to find the answer to. 
  • Do you think i am at the standard needed for this level of the course?
  • How big is space?
  • Is it easy setting up your own business?
  • What skills do all graphic designers need?
  • Is freelance designers the ones who can't get jobs?

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