Thursday, 19 January 2012

Enterprise Task 5

1.     My main strength I feel is logo design and branding. I have been producing professional logos since my A-levels and is something I have always enjoyed. I am comfortable and creative in this sector. I feel I would be attractive to potential clients with my skills in logo design  as it is the foundation of the companies face and a powerful logo can go a long way.
2.     I am becoming more aware of the importance of colour and in my free time exploring colour more as I have learnt the importance of colour in design. I am hoping I become better at colour now I am putting the time in and will understand how colours are printed compared to what they are on screen.
3.     Something else I am getting into is illustration. I haven’t really done any drawing leaving high school so I bought myself a graphic tablet and am currently teaching myself the fundamentals of illustration and illustrated type. This will help me get an edge over designers which rely on computerized type and will hopefully make my work more appealing.
4.     I have an interest in publication design and layout. Not explored it too much as of now but I feel I have potential to produce some attractive layouts if I decide to peruse it. There is a great deal I would still like to learn within this subject and I am not going to rule out the possibilities of perusing this.
5.     I am always keeping up to date with current trends in design if it’s through blogs, books, magazines and the Internet. This helps with understanding what designers are doing and what clients are looking for.
6.     I work well as team and also as an individual. I am able to input my ideas into a group and voice my opinion comfortably.
7.     I am confident on the adobe software. I am able to use Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and even AfterEffects to a high standard. This would make me appealing to both clients and employers as I can cover all media rages in my work so am not confined to only screen, print or still image.
8.     I am reliable I have an almost perfect attendance thought school to foundation and then university. I don’t take days of for petty reasons like a cold never have and I never will. This will make me attractive to potential employers as they will see how committed I am and have been thought my life.
9.     I am passionate about what I do I take pride in my work and strive for perfection. I wouldn’t like to produce something I wouldn’t use for own business as I am responsible for how a company or client has been portrayed so producing something I feel doesn’t work is not I’m the cards. It’s my reputation on the line so I would work to the best of my ability. 

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