Sunday, 26 February 2012

Logo Development

As we are using photography for the advert i decided i would take charge of the logo as i haven't got much camera skills as Chis or Sophie and i feel like logo development is one of my stronger skills. 

These is my progressive design to come up with our logo

Here is the process step by step. 

My frist idea i looked at calling i used the words Book Club but the words didn't sit well together as the  "B" at the start and at the end and both words been 4 letters give the impression of been chimerical. To solve this i removed the C and just went with the K in the middle and it still reads the same.  

Experimenting more with using a K instead of the C

This i really like the BKKB overlapping slightly. this would make a really nice symbol for a logo.

I experimented more with different typefaces to see if it could be improved. 

use of gradients and colour experiments. 

Making the symbol look more like a book here although i do prefer the flat version. 

More experiments with the BKKB. Really enjoyed doing this and i will have to convince the group to see if we can change the company name to Book Klub because turning your C to a K is way KOOL.

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