Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Enterprise Evaluation

What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively have you applied them? 

I have developed life and business skills during the course of the enterprise secessions. I am much more aware of the necessary skills and processes needed to survie after uni from things such as copy writing your work, what types of businesses are out there and what is needed to start and maintain your own business. Other things such as managing money and the costing it is to live and the amount need to stay alive is another thing i will take away from enterprise. I have never worked in a group for that period of time so that has been useful in its self having to constantly have meeting and organizes everyone has been a good lesson which is necessary to learn if you want to set up a partnership or work in a studio. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I took more of a lead in the design aspect of the enterprise group tasks. Been good at branding i designed the overall face of the company a among other designs. Despite coming up with the logo design quickly it didn't stop me seeing if i could develop it more and i attempt to push it further but found that what i initially came up with fit the bill very nicely. I enjoyed having group meeting and discussions and found it very easy talking about my ideas on what to make the company about and design related queries. i feel i have had a big impact on how the group performed and my input and ideas pushed the group further i feel. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how will you capitalize on these?

My strengths were my design skills. The group had seen my strong branding technique which i was happy with. All the group had inputs and created there own designs but we were able to come together and create and compare designs we agreed on. I also feel i had strong  input into the ideas about the company. I was able to talk comfortably and disagree if necessary within the group. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you adress these in the future?

I am good at maths and studied business in lower school so i would of liked to take up some of the business side of things. I feel i would have been a better asset if i voiced up and took charge of some of the business side of enterprise. I had explored some aspects but i feel i could have been more useful in this department. 

Identify 5 things you would do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from them?

  1. Wish i had done more research around current companies similar to us an clued up on what is needed to be successful. 
  2. Take more of a lead with the business side of things as i know i have the skills to do so. 
  3. have a coffee before lectures as i have the attention span of a 2 year old without one. despite the lecture been interesting i found it hard to stay focussed and take notes. 
  4. Become more confident with reading and speaking infront of people. Im fine i a casual environment but can choke up sometimes infront of a crowd. My reading skills are so poor i would like to read more to develop these skills. 
  5. Actually create the business as we had an amazing concept and idea which students like myself would benefit from highly.  
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Commitment: 4
Quality of work produced: 4 
Quantity of work produced: 3
Contribution to group: 4

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