Monday, 31 October 2011

Enterprise lecture 5

Lecture 5

10 steps to a future you.

1.     Proactivity.

Stimulus > Response
Fight or fight response. Animals within reason

Stimulus > Choices > Response

Expanding the circle of influence. Contacts in profession.
Circle of concern is the circle you want to expand into.

Internal environment
·      Your skills
·      Recourses
·      Lifestyle

Micro Environment
·      Network of friends
·      Your suppliers
·      Competitors

Macro Environment
·      Market conditions.

Develop a vision of your future.

·      Business Vision
·      Priority Management
·      Business Plan
·      Life Plan

Clear explanations to people
Speak in their language

Think - who you are talking to
Create  - clear messages
Inspire - people with your creativity

·      Put the first thing first
·      Keep a proper balance
·      Stick to you personal mission

Time >study >social life>rest>money

·      Think – WIN
·      Seek – Outcomes and relationships that are mutually beneficial
·      Do a favor to gain a favor

Carl Hopkins

Kohlberg’s Theory
Pre conventional
·      I want
·      Why should I
·      Short Term

I would be happy to
·      Your needs
·      I understand
·      Medium Term

Post conventional
·      We can
·      Together
·      Mutual Benefits
·      Long Term

·      Pause an listen. Give all attention
·      Empathize – walk in someone’s shoes
·      Don’t re-literate or interpret – just listen
·      Do you really know how they feel or are you just saying how you feel

See first to understand. Then be understood.

·      Consistency
·      Integrity
·      Reliability


Pit Stop
·      Sharpen up – Bolt on
·      Rest – Renew/Re-vitalize
·      Explore – Challenge/Excite  

·      Extinguish your fears
·      Exude confidence
·      Instill Faith

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