Monday, 28 November 2011

Enterprise Task 3

TASK 3 - How will I promote myself ?
The Majority of potential customers will use the Internet to find designers they want their information given to them on a plate. It’s all about speed of delivery.
To promote myself to potential customers would be mainly through the web. They want to see an online portfolio of what sort of work you produce to see if you’re right for the job.
Graphic conventions are a great way to meet employers and customers. Your work is displayed and a high traffic of people will view it. This is a great way to network so having a business card or something to hand to everyone is great way to get your name out there.
Thing I would make sure in saying is place of education due to its high reputation within graphics and also my style of design and also things I’m interested in would give my audience a nice quick representation of what kind of designer I am.
Things such as viral adds or a controversial piece of design now more than ever attracts a great deal of attention and many companies are using these methods of adverting to get there brand name out of there. A new and fresh way to advertise which is getting a lot of attention at the moment.
Communicating to a potential client I wouldn’t use complex graphical lingo I would keep it simple making them feel more intelligent and keep it short and sweet would want them to think I’m boring and very big headed. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


  1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have developed my knowledge of print greatly already this year. I am more understanding of colour matching, print techniques and finishes which as been very helpful in pushing my designs forward in the sense of professionalism. I have also expanded my design knowledge and the processes used for different printing by looking at specific printing methods and visiting professional printers. I would of liked to explore more printing methods and I plan in the future to look extensively in increasing my skills further.

  1. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
My methods of design have become more towards colour matching my work using pantone to create consistency in my work. My knowledge of the printers in the mac suits and knowing what stocks can be put thought the printer and how the ink will sit on the paper has been very helpful in keeping the costs down and meant I could avoid just using the digital printing room.

  1. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
The strengths in my work is the inventiveness of the packaging design and doing as much research around the subject relaxing as I could. Been informed made it possible to apply this to my designs such as using magnets not using fiddly flaps etc. I am happy with the logo design and went through about a million design ideas to reach something I was happy with. I feel like I have managed my time more efficiently but there is stillroom for improvement.

  1. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
My weaknesses are working mainly on screen. I know I can draw I enjoy drawing but I just didn’t do as much as I would of like to. I also feel I could of pushed my design further and I’m really annoyed that I didn’t. Something I would of like to do is develop my packaging more I just needed more time with the magnets so I could use them to there maximum efficiency and its turn out to be a bit shabby.

  1. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Push my design further. I know I can I have the tools to do this and I would be more satisfied with my work if I did so.

Look into more print finishes. I want to be able to utilise all the facilities around me to add a professional finish to my work.

Manage my time more efficiently. I feel I am improving with every brief but there is still much more room for improvement.

Blog more often!

Explore more into stocks and printers to get the most out of my work

What is Good FInal Products

Here are my final products finished and photographed. i am happy with the way that they have turned out and think the acetate layer really finish them off. They magnets were a really good idea i just wish i could have executed it more professionally and had time to develop that idea.

the packaging is simple using a cheap standard stock then adding my own spot varnish kept the cost down and duoplexing onto a thinker card kept the stability the packaging needed. so i kept it cheap which was every necessary in my current financial state and also made me explore different methods of working instead of just going down to the digital print which is what i would usually do.

Here are some edgy photographs with the packaging in a relaxing environment. Think i like my fish tank to much really.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Enterprise lecture 5

Lecture 5

10 steps to a future you.

1.     Proactivity.

Stimulus > Response
Fight or fight response. Animals within reason

Stimulus > Choices > Response

Expanding the circle of influence. Contacts in profession.
Circle of concern is the circle you want to expand into.

Internal environment
·      Your skills
·      Recourses
·      Lifestyle

Micro Environment
·      Network of friends
·      Your suppliers
·      Competitors

Macro Environment
·      Market conditions.

Develop a vision of your future.

·      Business Vision
·      Priority Management
·      Business Plan
·      Life Plan

Clear explanations to people
Speak in their language

Think - who you are talking to
Create  - clear messages
Inspire - people with your creativity

·      Put the first thing first
·      Keep a proper balance
·      Stick to you personal mission

Time >study >social life>rest>money

·      Think – WIN
·      Seek – Outcomes and relationships that are mutually beneficial
·      Do a favor to gain a favor

Carl Hopkins

Kohlberg’s Theory
Pre conventional
·      I want
·      Why should I
·      Short Term

I would be happy to
·      Your needs
·      I understand
·      Medium Term

Post conventional
·      We can
·      Together
·      Mutual Benefits
·      Long Term

·      Pause an listen. Give all attention
·      Empathize – walk in someone’s shoes
·      Don’t re-literate or interpret – just listen
·      Do you really know how they feel or are you just saying how you feel

See first to understand. Then be understood.

·      Consistency
·      Integrity
·      Reliability


Pit Stop
·      Sharpen up – Bolt on
·      Rest – Renew/Re-vitalize
·      Explore – Challenge/Excite  

·      Extinguish your fears
·      Exude confidence
·      Instill Faith

Enterprise Lecture 4

Friday, 28 October 2011

Enterprise Task 2

Where are they – How will they find me?

Where are my potential clients/employers located?

My clients are manly based in built up areas like cities and towns. These are the places that house businesses big and small, which need an identity, branding, advertising and products, made for them. I can imagine to compensate for the huge amount of businesses the Graphic Design companies will be based there also. Cities such as New York, London, Amsterdam are known for there design culture and a lot of designers wish to end up there but all cities will house a number of design firms within them also. I know of successful designers working in quite villages but the way they succeed is not having close competition. 

What media do my potential Clients/employers use:

Clients will use different media compared to the employers. Clients will very rarely have the design software which we use so sending work in that form will not work. Using formats such as jpgs and pdfs will be how clients very the work we have produced for them. It depends what profession in design what media you use as there are a lot of different medias and software to go with it. Such as web based design or design for print (to name a few) work on different media one for screen one is paper based.

What do you need to communicate and how does it match what your employer/client needs?

For clients I need to communicate that I have been successful in pervious works as they often what to see what you have already produced. You want them to have confidence in your design ability. To employers I want to show off my skills also but more in the thinking process and in the way I produce work. They need to know that I will fit in with the way their business functions.

I plan to work in a city where the cliental and employers are found. Working an in a couple of small established companies to experiment with different working styles/design methods and production which will be able to focus what sort of designer I am. I feel rather than the location of a company I feel the media on which companies use will have a greater impact on my design technique. Even in education have experienced a great amounts of media and I will enjoy undergoing professional practices. 

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Enterprise Lecture 3

What are you worth?

Drucker 1985. Innovation is the tool of entrepreneurship. Both demand creativity. New Ideas.

Mihaly 1997. Creativity is ability to make or bring something into existence. Solution, method, device.

Philip Kotler
C - Creating. Product management.
C - Communicate. Branding. Brand management.
D - Deliver. Customer management.
V -  Value
T -  to a Target Market
P - for Profit

Maslow’s Hierarchy of need.


School can kill creativity

Where is the Money

Greatest human needs. = Greatest market potential

Reduced human needs = lower market potential
Holiday houses
Health spa

Where does the money go.
Average American family
Majority on housing

Value Propositions
Short and specific

Overall Aim
Or mission

Specific Aims
These set out the difference we to hope to make…….Outcomes

These set out how we plan to go about achieving out aims…..Outputs


Our mission
Enrich peoples lives with programming

Our Vision
Most creative organization

Our Values
Independent, imperial and honest

Enterprise Lecture 2

Lecture 2
Ideas and Opportunities

What is an idea
·      Occurs any time
·      To anybody
·      Randomly
·      Seldom materialize

What is an Opportunity
Government, social trends. Environmental factors merge.
Right place and time

The Wrong time
Inventors before their useful time
Helicopter flying machine machine gun
P politicians could not see any benefit
E Economics were fragmented
S Society had no need
T Technology to primitive

The right Time
P Help cement anglo French relations after ww2
E Economics development with usa
S Social demand on travel more frequent and luxurious
T Turbo jet engines

But nothing stays the same for long
First fiber optic cable was laid in 1988
Means concord was less relevant because phone use advanced

The Pest Analysis
P the political factors
E economics factors
S Social factors
T technological developments

What kind of creative are you

Evolutionary prefer to work on products which update and refresh

Manager small businesses trey to maintain a level steady of growth. Manage growth
Opportunist. Take different routes

Cautious. Takes the easy safe route
Risk taker. Exciting approach to business. Takes chances

Owner Entrepreneur
Orchestrators of the staff. Directing others to do work for you.
Owner Manager
Someone who has a bunch of assistances to help. Bunch of designers working together.
Owner worker.
Freelance. Do everything yourself. One man band.

 Where do opportunities come from
·      Trends
·      Technical developments
·      Political change
·      Economic boom and slump
·      Human need
·      Problems
·      Research

Technology push
Send it out to the market. No initial need for product.
Market Pull
A request for a product

Where does the creative fit in
·      Project management
·      Know how to find the right people
·      Know where to source stuff
·      Can work with a team
·      Gets along with all kinds of people
·      Optimistic
·      Communicates well

Project manager skills
1.     Define the problem
2.     Build confidence
3.     Problem solving
4.     Risk analysis
5.     Physical recourses
6.     Planning
7.     Human Recourses
8.     Quality control

Spotted an opportunity

How do you know if this is a good idea
Look at competitors
·      How many are there
·      How well are they doing
·      What do they do well?
·      What could you do to improve it?

Swot analysis
S Strengths
W Weaknesses
O Opportunities
T Threats 

Enterprise Lecture 1

 How to get yourself out there? survey the industry. Help the government understand and help what is going on and trends.

The design industry has change. Used to be lots of large agencies. But they are very expensive to run.  Slower pase of keeping up with trends.
Now 87% are in businesses of 10 people or less. 11% 10-100. 2% o work on the payroll of big agencies.
Big now employ the small business experts on a freelance bases.

What is Marketing
The management process responsible for satisfying the customers by anticipating and identifying.

1 identify customer needs to develop new products
2 develop pricing strategies
finding out what the going rate is.
3 promote products to target market.
Decide on a pacific market
4 identify distribution networks
Where to find distributers
5 add value to your products through customer benefits
Giving them more than they expect
6 monitor the performance of the products
see how well you are doing against competitors

customer needs

understand needs

develop concept

test concept

refine concept

market product

Get feedback

Jeff Bezos

Value Proposition

Some tips on VP
1 Make it short
2 Be specific
3 use your customer’s language
make it understandable to them.
4 Pass the ‘gut feeling test’

Networking Events.
Gallery Opening, Craft Fairs, Art markets, Trade shows
Seth Godin
Marketing pr expert

Negotiate and close a deal
How much its costs to do a job.
Have standards
How much your time is worth

Consumers at the end of the production line. Pay vat
Business to Business. Graphic designers work with companies.

Service organizations

Business just offers service such as bank, graphic design, car was, dry cleaning.

·      Product service/products  you offer
·      Price daily rate or royalty
·      Promotion marketing methods/branding
·      Place locations to sell/sales environment

Marketing 101 

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

PPD Task 2

What is Industrial experience?
1.    This is visiting/working at professional work places within desired industry.
2.    Collaborating with professional such as printers/photographer or other designers.
3.    Work as a live brief or one that is for clients.
4.    Getting feedback form your work by professionals
5.    Doing work outside of education.

What can you learn from industrial experience?
1.     You can learn new techniques and software advice.
2.     Build up a portfolio of professionals which can help you in you line of work.
3.     How to work to a professional standard and getting used to deadlines.
4.     Learn how to communicate with clients.
5.     Understand what the particular profession has to offer

     What form/format could industrial experience take?
1.     Visiting organization just to have a look at what they are doing.
2.     Job placement. Internship/volunteer/work experience.
3.     Talks and meetings by professionals
4.     Free lance work.
5.     Phone calls/ Emails to and from industry professional

     What areas of industry are you interested in?
1.     Brand and identity
2.     Editorial Design
3.     Advertising
4.     Packaging Design
5.     Typography

     What are your concerns about industrial experience?
1.     Working for people which I don’t like
2.     Selling my creative soul
3.     Earning enough money
4.     The difficulty of running a business

Enterprise Task 1

Who am I, Who are they.

list of all the possible client groups that use graphic design.

    • Retail
    • Music
    • Small Businesses
    • Corporate identity
    • Health/Beauty
    • Education
    • Publishing 
    • Food
    • Technology
    • Promotion
    • Property 
    • Charities
    • Sports/Leisure 
    • Politics

    Listening to music about 60% of each day i feel this is a main interest and has an influence on my mood, social life and the design i am subjected to on a daily bases. Design is a huge part of music and advertising live gigs or even album launches etc. This goes out to a massive market and so is subjected to a huge range of music genres and the advertising, which goes with it.

    The thing I mostly enjoys is brand identity. I have produced a few logos for commissions and competitions and I feel this is one of the most rewarding areas of graphics. You don’t just create a leaflet or a flyer which has a sell by date of use a company logo is something which carries a company and is on all of there products and promotional advertisements sometimes till the end of the companies life. Having a massively successful logo is something I aspire to do and is a symbol of making it in the deign world.

    I would like to one day owning my own small design firm but getting experience in that field is something I need to look into first so I would like to work within a couple of specialist small deign companies. I feel these give you better opportunities compared to a huge corporate company, as you get to follow your work from start to finish in an intermit group of designers compared to just handing something to a superior for the all clear.

    I am a focused individual which works well alone and with others. One of my strongest skills is generating interesting and new ideas. This allows me to adventure outside the box and I feel an employer would see this as a really beneficial skill. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

PPD task 1

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course.

  • The opportunities within the industry are much more concrete and helpful compared to other courses i found. things such as regular visiting professionals, summer experience, relationships with printers and ex-students.
  • Unlike a university the student tutor time is much more personal compared to just been given a brief and do it there is the right amount of guidance to mature our skills without mothering to much like schools tend to do.
  • Simply the standard ok work i was shown was much higher on visits compared to anywhere else i saw. 
  • The reputation of the college was very high and was recommend to me by my old course tutor. 
  • Leeds was a city i really wanted to experience and had friends at other institues. 

Identify and explain 5 thing i want to learn during your time on this program

  • I more than anything want to be at a high and employable standard within graphic design. This is the profession i want to work in and if i ended up in a different line of work it's not only a waste of money and time but would crush everything i worked for. 
  • Be more mature and aware of the business side of the industry. i might be able to design but i don't want to be taken for a ride and used by companies taking advantage of my lack of business knowledge. 
  • Know and be able to request a huge amount of different printing methods and techniques. This will help me succeed as a designer and give me the knowledge i need to work for myself.
  • Be able to use a variety of media and technology. 
  • Understand the language of a client and working on briefs. Knowing what a client is looking for and how to present work to them in a way which they understand is a important skill.

Identify and Explain what you believe are your 5 strengths
  • One of my strengths is generating ideas and inventive ways of thinking. i feel i help a lot of course mates with directional influences and ideas which are taken forward. 
  • My general design skills are strong and have much more to show of my talent than i have in my first year. 
  • I have a huge amount of motivation when i am doing something i enjoy. i can become obsessed into finishing and perfecting what i have been set. 
  • I tend to look at everything with a design eye now and can judge and pick at things like logos and branding and come up with why they don't work what i would do to make it better etc.
  • good at working within a group or just by myself this is a very important skill which i feel is perfect for a graphic design job. you need to be able to have a input in a group and communicate ideas comfortably with people. Also been able to work efficiently by myself is good because i don't need help and have the confidence to produce good work myself. 
Identify and Explain 5 things you want to improve
  • I would like to improve my software skills more. i have learn't a lot in a year but i have much further to go to be at the standard i want to be at. 
  • Printing knowledge needs to improve i have a very minor understanding of this area of graphics and would like to broaden my skills. 
  • Would like a greater understanding of design methods. to reach a final product i don't feel i am at the point of doing it in the most efficient way. 
  • Better management of my time and efforts. I need to become more fluent in the way i work as i don't feel its as productive as i need to be. 
  • Become even more aware of the newest design out there. i have a select few blogs i check often but i feel i need to look through more books and hit design shows more.
Identify and Explain 5 ways that i will evaluate your work
  • Look at comments left on my blog by viewers to see how the public feel about my work.
  • Course mates are a big influence on work and its very helpful having people advise and help you through each process. 
  • Compare it to the current design out there and compare my standard to other professionals. 
  • Tutors advise is very valuable and always appreciate and take im what advise i have been given.  
  • Send my work to design studios to potentially get advice and an understanding of how the professionals work. 
Identify 5 questions you want to find the answer to. 
  • Do you think i am at the standard needed for this level of the course?
  • How big is space?
  • Is it easy setting up your own business?
  • What skills do all graphic designers need?
  • Is freelance designers the ones who can't get jobs?